Extracted from WSH Act from AGC’s SSO on 27 Apr 2015
Section 11
Duty of occupier of workplace
It shall be the duty of every occupier of any workplace to take, so far as is reasonably practicable, such measures to ensure that all means of access to or egress from the workplace are safe and without risks to health to every person within those premises, whether or not the person is at work or is an employee of the occupier.
Section 12
Duties of employers
(2) It shall be the duty of every employer to take, so far as is reasonably practicable, such measures as are necessary to ensure the safety and health of persons (not being his employees*) who may be affected by any undertaking carried on by him in the workplace.
*These can be pedestrians, cyclists and other access users, whether or not motorised.
(3) ……….. the measures necessary to ensure the safety and health of persons at work include -(e) ensuring that those persons at work have adequate instruction, information, training and supervision as is necessary for them to perform their work.
Still think it won’t happen at your workplace?
Read this article:
Read this article:
Source: The Straits Times website.
Read this article:
Source: The AsiaOne website.
Are you doing an LTA Project or road related works?
Refer to LTA Gen. Specs Annex A-b Sect 1: 49.6, 49.16, 49.18, 49.19
Extracted from LTA GS Dec 2014 from LTA Website on 27 Apr 2015
49.6. The Contractor shall appoint banksman to control reversing vehicles and congested machinery movement. The banksman shall wear a high visibility vest clearly marked “Traffic Controller” or similar and trained in the standard hand signals and always standing to the side of the driver’s cab, not to the rear of the vehicle.
49.16. Where the Site gates lead directly off a public street an effective method of controlling vehicles entering / leaving the Site shall be employed. This shall be manned by workers who have been trained in road safety and who are wearing high visibility vests bearing the wording “Traffic Controller”.
49.18. During the hours of darkness flood lighting of these Site entrances shall be provided to enhance visibility of such traffic controllers, but care must be taken that these lights do not dazzle any on-coming traffic or pedestrians or cause a nuisance to neighbouring residents. The traffic controllers should utilise hand held batons or gloves incorporating reflective material.*
*Do they know how to use these batons and gloves properly to give signals?
Send them for the proper training here.
For the sake of safety, other than the deployment of PROPERLY TRAINED traffic controllers, measures like PROMINENT WARNING SIGNS, STRATEGICALLY PLACED BARRICADES AND SAFETY INDUCTED DRIVERS should be incorporated in the safety management system.