About A-Bide First Aid Training

A-Bide First Aid Training is the First Aid Training Division of
A-Bide Safety Solutions Pte Ltd.

We are:

– an Accredited LSP (Learning Service Provider) by MOM(Ministry of Manpower).

– an ISO 29993 Certified LSP. See the MOM List of Learning Service Providers. 
Click here for the list of LSPs.

– a team of WSH(Workplace Safety & Health), Risk Management & Emergency Preparedness Consultants.

– an Awarded a SME 500 company.

– an Accredited Training Centre by SRFAC (Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council).
Click here
for SRFAC Website to see the list.

For Industries & Employers

We are experienced, qualified and competent workplace safety & health(WSH) professionals with a mission of providing effective solutions to  first aid & safety related problems and issues faced by industries and companies.

First Aid Courses (Click to register):

– Occupational First Aid Course with CPR & AED

– Standard First Aid Course 

Child First Aid Course 

– CPR + AED (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation + Automated External Defibrillation) Course

– BCLS (Basic Cardiac Life Support) Course

CERT First Aid Course


Safety Courses (Click to register):

– Basic Traffic Control Course


Need Safety Personnel at your workplace?
We provide WSH Personnel at workplaces: WSHO (Workplace Safety & Health Officers), WSHC (Workplace Safety & Health Coordinators), CSSA (Confined Space Safety Assessor), WAH (Work At Height) Safety Assessors, Scaffold Supervisors, ECO (Environmental Control Officer), ECMO (Earth Control Measures Officer), etc.

We are First Aid & Safety Solutions Provider.


Contact Us Now!


+65 6684 0783


+65 8922 8442 (during office hours)

+65 9649 6957 (after office hours)

